13 April 2019
INSEAD Asia Campus
INSEAD forum on the rise and impact of AI & Machine Learning in Business and Society
AI is rapidly emerging as the most important and transformative technology of our time. Recent advances in machine learning have led to multiple new applications that are reshaping business, management and society. Today, AI can perform many human activities with greater accuracy and at a fraction of the time.
AI can also offer a substitute for human judgement as it forecast based on data patterns undetectable by humans. These features are not only creating new business opportunities for small and big businesses but also changing the way leadership and employees deliver value to their company.
Stay ahead of the game. Join the INSEAD AI Forum.
– Meet the movers and shakers on the frontline of AI
– Find out how far and how fast AI will shape your career, organisation, industry, leadership as well as your life & the society we live in
– Hear how Big Tech as well as incumbents and startups capture value and shape our future with AI.
– Learn Machine Learning, FAST!
– Learn about the key issues associated with AI today and the actions required to ensure AI technology remains an enabling tool
8:00 – 8:45
Registration & Welcome Breakfast
8:45 – 9:00
Introductory Remarks
– Jason Davis, INSEAD
– Vedrana Savic, Accenture
9:00 – 9:30
Demystifying AI
AI is rapidly emerging as the most important transformative technology of our time. Recent advances, particularly in machine learning have led to a swift proliferation of new applications that are transforming economies, companies as well as the way we work, live and play. Get an introduction from Professor Parker about Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Machine Vision, Natural Language Processing and gain a better understanding on the emergence of these technologies, how they work, what types of problems they can or cannot solve yet, why Machine Learning is such a big deal and what the next AI is all about.
Phil Parker, INSEAD
Pulse on the Future of Aging 4.0 : How Preventative AI-Blockchain LifeCare InsurTech will solve the world Silver Tsunami Bombing ?
Combining AI with other technologies, Chinese startup provides seniors and their families with a one stop, comprehensive home wellness solution including daily health monitoring & early risk identification kit to health insurance and companion robots. Learn from Charles Bark, founder of and recognised as one of France’s top 3 AI entrepreneurs in China by President Emmanuel Macron, how to help seniors live longer healthier and happier at home and bring Peace of Mind to their children who live far away from them.
Charles Bark, HiNounou Intelligent Robot Ltd.
How AI impacts organisations?
There are two ways AI impacts organisations. First, embedding AI as a part of the value chain into the activity systems of an organization raises the tension of automation vs. augmentation. Second, AI as a tool for organisation design implies significant disruption to how the organizational development and HR profession currently works.
Deep dive into the current research and thinking in that space and learn how INSEAD teaches about these issues in our MBA and executive classrooms.
Phanish Puranam, INSEAD
Pulse on the Future: Unchain Data with Graph AI
Born at INSEAD in 2010, Lynx Analytics leverages Graph – the mathematical theory behind the Internet search algorithm PageRank made famous by Google- and Machine Learning to turn data and network into actionable insights. Hear from INSEAD alumn Gyorgy Lajtai ,Co-Founder & Managing Director of Lynx Analytics, how an INSEAD research project grew into a US$66m worth analytic technology and solution platform selling to global enterprises in 3 continents.
Gyorgi Lajtai, Lynx Analytics
11:00 -11:15
Coffee Break
Pulse on the Future:
Sinuhe Arroyo, TAIGER
Marketing Dystopia?
Machine learning and AI are revolutionizing marketing: Need-based segmentation, the bedrock of marketing strategy, gives way to microtargeting and that lofty ideal in economic theory, perfect price discrimination: Massive amounts of data from disparate sources help firms tailor offers to individual customers and maximize profits by charging each customer up to his or her willingness to pay. In this dystopian brave new world of marketing, consumers forgo not only their surplus, the lack of privacy also undermines their autonomy and equality of opportunity. Current research casts the beginning backlash against technology firms in light of these risks and suggests how marketers might weather the coming storm.
Klaus Wertenbroch, INSEAD
Responsible AI
AI has hit the headlines, and given the increasing power of AI-based technologies and the social implications thereof due to ethical concerns and information bias, AI needs to play a responsible role. But what is Responsible AI? How do you define it? And most importantly, how do you apply the principles of ethics to AI moving forward?
Sunita Kannan, Accenture
Whoever rules AI rules the world?
With reams of data and not afraid to use it, China is rapidly catching up with the US. What is Singapore’s strategy in the global AI race?
Kok Yam Tan, Singapore Smart Nation & Digital Government
Live With AI
AI is transforming the way we live, work and play. It’s now time to consider how humans may adapt to better leverage the technology and co live with smart machines. Deep dive with Pierre Robinet, founder of the Singapore-based LIVE WITH AI foundation on: the importance of a transparent interaction between humans and machines; the urgency to research how AI new solutions that could reduce some of our human cognitive capacities could be redesigned and enhance us instead; the need to implement AI-driven banking services accessible to all; and more broadly on the key challenges we are facing today to better work, live and heal ourselves with AI.
Pierre Robinet, LiveWithAI, Ogilvy Consulting
- Industry Future Focus
Financial Services
(Amphi 359)
15:00-16:00: Panel
– Rajanikanth Annam, DBS
– Sinuhe Arroyo, TAIGER
– Jason Davis, INSEAD
– Laurent Simon, Digital Pathways
16:00-17:00: In focus
Take a tour of the bank’s digital customer journey and learn the dos and don’ts of AI applications in financial services.
Olivier Berthier, Moneythor
(Boardroom 1017)
15:00-16:00: Panel
Charles Bark, HiNounou Intelligent Robot Ltd.
Julie Olszewski, IT Innovation Hub and Data Science, MSD
Chee Yong Chua, Integrated Health Information Systems (IHiS)
Keren Priyadarshini, Microsoft
16:00-17:00: In focus
When AI meets Blockchain – Explore the role and impact of a decentralised data exchange on healthcare and beyond.
Daryl Arnold, Ocean Protocol
Manufacturing & Logistics
(Flatroom 2018 – LDC building)
15:00-16:00: Panel
Johan de Villiers, ABB Pte. Ltd.
Scott Hunter, Microsoft
Drew Perez, Adatos.AI
Juliet Kasko, CxO Executive Search, PitchLab
16:00-17:00: In focus
Luis F. Gonzalez, Element AI
Smart City & Mobility
15:00-16:00: Panel
Kamal Mannar, Accenture
Nicole Leong, Airbus
Sam Conrad Joyce, Singapore University of Technology and Design
Jesse Arlen Smith, The Robot of the Year
16:00-17:00: In focus
David Bergendahl, ABEJA Singapore
15:00-16:00: AI for Good
(Amphi 103)
In this session, Professor Parker will describe his journey in applying AI to solving large scale economic and social problems. The session will cover work sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as work in the field by Rotary International, and various mobile telephone players. The core concept revolves around how AI can be leveraged to not replace labour, but to augment productivity when there is a chronic shortage of labour (e.g. specialists, experts, and consultants). His work in this area has been presented at Davos, the G8 and the White House, among other forums.
Phil Parker, INSEAD
16:00-17:00: How AI Brings Equitable Education to Every Child
(Amphi 103)
Learn with Squirrel AI how the 4 characteristics of AI: “Know-all and Remember-all,” “Recognize the Invisible Difference in Each Individual,” “Infinite Computing Power,” and “Self-evolving,” can be used to provide equitable, personalized and high-quality education for all students around the world.
Dr. Wei Cui, Squirrel AI Learning
17:00 -17:15
Coffee Break
17:15 -17:45
The Future of Work
AI needs leaders who are prepared to completely reimagine the rules of how companies operate. What’s the secret to radically reimagining work with AI? And what can we do now to be prepared for the AI economy?
Alison Kennedy, Accenture Strategy
17:45 -18:15
Learning Machine Learning = FAST! (the INSEAD way)
Imagine the board of directors have decided the firm needs to radically accelerate its presence in the AI space. You’ve been told that your team has two weeks to start implementing AI or machine learning algorithms. What can you do? INSEAD was challenged by a client to solve this problem. This session will describe how this was achieved, including demos of various learning tools. People who are only familiar with Microsoft Excel, can now jump into the world of Python, R, neural nets, multinomial logit models, and more.
Phil Parker, INSEAD
Closing Remarks
– Jason Davis, INSEAD
– Alison Kennedy, Accenture Strategy
Networking Cocktail
INSEAD Asia Campus
1 Ayer Rajah Avenue
138676 Singapore
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