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TEDxSydney Salon: Hybrid Work | The Belonging Imperative
18 November 2021, Microsoft / TEDx, Australia, Mark Mortensen: You can watch below now or you will soon receive an email with a link to view the content in your own time. In the meantime, visit for more information about...
Making sense of the NFT marketplace
18 November 2021, Harvard Business Review, US, Pavel Kireyev (PDF): NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, have become a major industry. But as with most emerging technologies, there are many competing platforms and approaches to growth, and it’s not always obvious which is...
How do you resolve conflict in the hybrid workplace?
17 November 2021, Quartz at Work, US, (PDF): Silvina Moschini is in the business of remote work. As the founder of SheWorks!, a digital platform focused on remote working opportunities for women, and president of TransparentBusiness, a remote workforce management...
Hong Kong and Singapore still attractive to expats despite exodus
23 October 2021, South China Morning Post, Hong Kong, GTCI 2021: Bruno Lanvin and Felipe Monteiro (PDF): Foreign professionals have been leaving the two cities due to factors such as Covid-19 restrictions and Hong Kong’s national security law•While insiders say the...
How online platforms must respond to a new era of internet governance
21 October 2021, World Economic Forum, Switzerland, Theodoros Evgeniou: Governments across the world have started designing new frameworks to regulate online platforms. The coming era of regulated internet governance will require tech companies to adapt and develop...
Making effective use of outside innovation
18 October 2021, Quality Digest, US, Felipe Monteiro: It’s possible for new ideas to flourish anywhere, but they need a welcoming organizational culture PUBLISHED: MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2021 - 12:03 Bringing innovation inside an established firm, even one that has...
Tips for designing organisations for innovation
16 October 2021, Blog Talk Radio, US, Ben M. Bensaou: Product manager product development product management new product development innovation management product development process product design product innovation innovation process innovation strategy product...
Intelligence under control: what’s wrong with AI for business
16 October 2021, Harvard Business Review Russia(In Russian), Russia, Theodoros Evgeniou: Большую часть прошлого десятилетия в фокусе общественного внимания был вопрос об использовании персональных данных. Людям не нравилось, что компании могут отслеживать их действия...
Marketing automation: Utopia or dystopia?
6 October 2021, Forbes India, India, Klaus Wertenbroch: Firms must take consumer psychology into account and resist the temptation to maximise short-term profits at the cost of consumers BY KLAUS WERTENBROCH 5 min read PUBLISHED: Oct 6, 2021 10:41:41 AM IST...
How testbeds can help us to co-create the future
5 October 2021, Forbes, UK, Ben Bensaou: The late Clayton Christensen famously highlighted that consumers are not buying our product as much as they are hiring it to complete a particular job. In Competing Against Luck: The Story of Innovation and Customer Choice he...