The Rise and Limits of AI in Recruiting Talent

Thursday, 29 April 2021
Duration: 60 min


CEOs rank recruiting the right talent as a top strategic priority – partly because of an under supply of talent in today’s digital economy. Due to demographics, this imbalance will likely persist. So will the premium on recruiting talent. In recent years, AI has become a game changer amongst recruiters. It enables companies to identify, target, screen, and recruit talent at levels of efficiency and effectiveness that far exceed what human recruiters ever achieved in the past. Yet the glacier pace of human beings’ biological, psychological, and social evolution creates natural limits on the role of AI in getting the people you want, to want you. Explore with INSEAD Professor of Management Practice in Global Leadership and Strategy Stewart Black the rise and limits of AI in recruiting talent and learn about emerging best practices in this field.

Further Reading

Steward Black

Professor of Management Practice in Global Leadership and Strategy, INSEAD

Pascale Balze

Associate Director, digital@INSEAD