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Think Funny, Think Female: The Benefits of Humor for Women’s Influence in the Digital Age
Ella Miron-Spektor, Julia B. Bear, Emuna Eliav
September 2023
Journal article
AI-Driven Labor Substitution: Evidence from Google Translate and ChatGPT
Erdem Dogukan Yilmaz, Ivana Naumovska, Vikas A.Aggarwal
Working paper
Human and AI Ensembles: When Can They Work?
Vivek Choudhary, Arianna Marchetti, Yash Raj Shrestha, Phanish Puranam
Working paper
Fair Skill Brier Score: Evaluating Probabilistic Forecasts of One-Off Events with Different Numbers of Categorical Outcomes
Junnan Wang, Barbara Mellers, Lyle H. Ungar, Ville A. Satopaa
Working paper
Incentive-Compatible Assortment Optimization for Sponsored Products
Santiago R. Balseiro , Antoine Désir
August 2023 (Published online in November 2022)
Journal article
How AI can learn from the law: putting humans in the loop only on appeal
Glenn Cohen, Boris Babic, Sara Gerke, Qiong Xia, Theodoros Evgeniou & Klaus Wertenbroch
August 2023
Journal article
Artificial Intelligence, Trust, and Perceptions of Agency
Bart S. Vanneste, Phanish Puranam,
August 2023
Working paper
The Impact of Negative Reviews on Online Search and Purchase Decisions
Marton Varga, Paulo Albuquerque
July 2023
Journal article
Pandemic lockdown, isolation, and exit policies based on machine learning predictions
Theodoros Evgeniou, Mathilde Fekom, Anton Ovchinnikov, Raphaël Porcher, Camille Pouchol, Nicolas Vayatis
2023 (First published in April 2022)
Journal article
AI Can Be Both Accurate and Transparent
François Candelon, Theodoros Evgeniou, and David Martens
May 2023
Journal article